Wendy's Place

Hello World!! This is my place to post stuff about what's going on with me and my family.

Monday, June 16, 2014

On to Ghana

My sweet daughter is posting this for me because I can't figure it out. Here is an update on what we have been doing. Via Victoria, my favorite daughter

Hey Guys! We have very little wifi so I am taking this opportunity too update you guys on how we are doing. For those of you that don't know, my mom is a Physician's Assistant student at the University of Utah, every year, the school organizes a ...group of students to travel to Ghana, in western Africa. They volunteer in clinics and hospitals here and get a chance to teach the people about medical care. This year, my sister and I get to come. It took 5 cities, 2 days and 16 hours of flying to get to the city we are in. It's called Sunyani. We flew from Salt Lake to Boston, Boston to New York, New York to Accra, Accra to a city called Kumasi, and finally a 4 hour bus ride to Sunyani. There is a 6 hour time difference here. So, we wake up at about 1 in the morning Utah time. We visited the Accra temple on Tuesday.
There are 16 people in our medical group. The other students are from all over. Canada, Montana, California, Minnesota, Philadelphia and Utah. We are having a blast. One of the first things I noticed was how crazy the drivers are here. They drive so close to each other. I am so surprised at how many accidents that don't happen, when we are stopped, vendors come between the cars, they balance their goods on their head, its amazing. The heat isn't too bad but the humidity is the devil. We visited the clinics and hospitals this morning that the adults will be working in. There are 3 different places. Everyday we buy lunch at the local gas station/supermarket, I can honestly say that Ghanaian ice cream is the best lunch. Scratch that, Ghanaian is ice cream is the best. period. I may get a chance to help deliver a baby in one of the clinics. I'm a little scared, the medical resources are limited, they don't have epidurals or ways to numb the mother and maternal and infant mortality rate is high here. It'll be an awesome experience though. The place we are staying at feeds us breakfast and dinner everyday. It is delicious. They grow the sweetest, juiciest pineapples here. There is a school right around the corner, we see the kids walk to and from everyday. They are so cute! Last night we took a trip to the local market. It is so cool, there are so many people selling every variety of everything. I was proposed to. That was very interesting. Looking forward to the rest of this trip and missing you all!!


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