Wendy's Place

Hello World!! This is my place to post stuff about what's going on with me and my family.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23 Regional Hospital, Fufu, New Dudds!

Spent the day in the Regional Hospital today. This is the largest hospital in the area. Amanda Truong, a medical student from the U, and I were able to shadow a dermatologist all day today. There is one exam room and he calls the patients in 1 at a time. He also had 3 Ghanian PA residents with him today. It was so interesting to chat with practicing PA's in Ghana. The cases we saw today were interesting but also had an element of frustration because of lack of tools. The provider literally has a pen, a chair, and a desk. Nothing else. Dermatology in the US is deeply rooted in procedures, taking biopsies, draining abscesses, scraping off skin samples. Very different form of practice here. However, the Dr. we were working with was very skilled and could recognize the skin conditions just through history and sight. A hefty challenge for me, even basic dermatitis looks very different on African skin than what I am used to.

Victoria Stephens and Olivia spent another day in Chiraa. So, so close to helping with a delivery. Mother came in at 42 weeks in labor, contractions 2 minutes apart. However, her water had not broken yet. The midwives do not rupture the membranes, so the patient went off to the regional hospital by ambulance. The girls were so disappointed. 2 more days, maybe they will get lucky.

Olivia helping to smash the Fufu (our dinner)

We received our Ghanian outfits! Hooray! Master Paul, the tailor, made these dresses for the girls. Fabric cost about 14 cedis-about $5 and it costs 20 cedis to have the dress made, about $7. Ridiculously inexpensive. 


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