Wendy's Place

Hello World!! This is my place to post stuff about what's going on with me and my family.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Mama's & Babies

The mother carry their babies on their backs until they are old enough to walk. After the babies are born, the mothers have to take them back for their new baby checkup. When they come (of course in many cases they have walked many miles to get to the clinic) they are all dressed in white. Apparently this quite a site to see the mothers all coming with their newborns dressed in white with their dark skin.  In many cases the mother will have a baby on her back and a huge load on her head.How they can carry so much is amazing.  When you watch them walking their upper body does not sway, it is totally upright. In this pic she is holding her wares, but many times, they do not.


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