Wendy's Place

Hello World!! This is my place to post stuff about what's going on with me and my family.

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 7 Clinic & Canopy Walk

Waiting room
Today we did an outreach clinic in the morning. The medical students all helped with taking blood pressures, weighing, and take diabetes blood tests. Then the resident physician assistant talked to everyone who had problems and prescribed meds. We saw about 200 people (women, children and men) in a 4 hr period. The people come from all over. Do not make appointments but they spread the word that medical personnel will be at a specific location at a specifics time so they all just come. I helped with crowd control. My Olympic experience came in handy! These people are so warm and hospitable! After we finished at the clinic we went up to the school which was right beside us. My daughter Lisa had brought two soccer balls to give to a school so she give to this one! They were so appreciative of it. We took some awesome pictures!
Me & the Kids
Students waiting to help

After the clinic and school we went to the Kakum National Park.it is a beautiful rainforest! It is in the central region and covers 145 sq miles. It is the only place in Africa where there is a canopy walkway which is 350 meters long and connects 7 treetops! It is like walking on a network of suspension bridges that are only a foot wide and 130-160 feet from the ground!


  • At 11:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I sure hope you took some good pics of this area. Sounds beautiful!


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